The study provides a new building performance optimization method, which can enable architects to predict the optimal energy performance and daylight strategies by creating suitable climatic design options and to recognize the connection between design demands and daylight efficiency metrics, which are estimated to improve the entire environment. See if any compelling headlines stand out and adapt them for your own AdWords ad strategy.
Three phases of the methodology are taken: (1) the daylight and energy efficiency are analyzed for the case-study, (2) the results are assessed and compared to the hot-arid climate, (3) the optimum solutions and recommendations are determined. If all else fails you, examine the top-ranking organic content for your keywords.
This lays out approaches for optimizing daylight and energy efficiency in hot-arid climates by comparing different scenarios for building with international style at Ajman University – UAE, in order to reach to the best solution, that through the best use of performance simulation analysis and parametric generic algorithm software (Revit - Insight 360 plugin). In this context, this paper presents the assessment principles for daylight performance in the case-study. This leads to climate change adaptation and the happiness of the inhabitants as a sustainable development technique, decreasing buildings ’ energy consumption, which is an effective way to eliminate emissions of carbon dioxide (CO 2). Therefore, any attempt seeks to decrease excess sun exposure and make efficient sunlight availability. This results in poor building efficiency and identity crises. Nowadays, the countries of the hot desert are introducing policy based on completely glazed constructions with neglecting their climate change as applied for the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The building envelope therefore plays an important mediator, whether as climate change perceived or as cultural patrimony intangible, between the building and its surrounding conditions.
In addition to the thermal comfort, the quality of daylight in the buildings are of exceptional importance in the early stages of the project. Die Seidenstraße: Changan - Ein Kaiser nimmt 6.000 Soldaten mit ins Grab (1985) Plot Keywords It looks like we dont have any Plot Keywords for this title yet.